Mens Shoes

All about mens shoes

Monday, July 24, 2006

Every step taken with MBT shoes is like a fitness exercise

One of the human body’s most complex tasks is to keep itself upright and balanced when walking and standing. A multitude of supporting muscles throughout the whole body is responsible for this - the body’s supporting muscle system.

Conventional shoes support and lead the foot, stabilizing the body in an unnatural way. This means that these important muscles lose their function. With the special sole construction the MBT shoes creates a natural, soft surface. The natural instability underneath the feet ensures that neglected muscle groups automatically make the balancing movements that nature intended. These activated muscles relieve the pressure on joints and discs while walking, and make a passive gait, such as in conventional shoes, impossible. Every step taken with MBT shoes is like a tiny fitness exercise. Even standing has a training effect on muscles, relieves joint strain and stabilizes the whole muscle-skeletal system.

Wearing MBT shoe increasingly activates muscle groups needed to coordinate and stabilize the body both when walking and standing. The muscular system is exercised all the way up to the neck, stretched and relaxed again, the body balanced – with every step. Hundreds of thousands of consumers and scientists worldwide have experienced the many positive effects of MBT shoe:MBT shoes
Masai Barefoot Technology- activates neglected muscles
- improves posture and gait
- tones and shapes the body
- can help with back, hip, leg and foot problems
- can help with joint, muscle, ligament and tendon injuries
- reduces stress on knee and hip joints

MBT shoes activate the whole body.

Stresses on knee and hip joints ........................– 19 %
Improved posture and more upright gait
Increased muscle activity when walking:
Lower limbs .....................................................+ 18 %
Rear thigh muscles ..........................................+ 19 %
Buttock muscles ..............................................+ 9 %
Oxygen intake .................................................+ 2, 5 %
Increased muscle activity when standing:
Lower limbs ....................................................... + 38 %
Rear thigh muscles ............................................+ 37 %
Buttock muscles .................................................+ 28 %

* at the University of Calgary, CAN; Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK; Rennbahnklinik, Basle, CH etc.; in comparison to conventional shoes.

You can buy your MBT shoes right now from Zappos
Free Shipping BOTH ways on Shoes at!



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